Dies for fast extrusion

Extrusion speed is a key factor for the big runners. MTD helps you to improve speed by optimizing the die conception. The CAD die conception is realised together with numerical simulation (MTD Simulation Aided Design platform). To adapt the speed of extrusion dies, MTD resorts to numerical flow modelling to make the right choice between different geometry concepts.

With the MTD optimized design, the extrusion speed was increased from 22 to 47 m/min.

(courtesy Gulf Extrusions CO. (L.L.C.))

Simulation Aided Design helps to balance flow, predict the bearing lengths, master tolerances and reduce the number of corrections, for any complex die (full / hollow profiles).

On the example below, the MTD Simulation Aided Design allowed to increase the speed from 25 to 35 m/min. MTD predicts the extrusion speeds in advance, by full 3D transient press cycle simulation.

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